Monday, June 23, 2008

I think I know what I want to do.

You know there is this feeling that comes over your body when you talk about God. I really think it is the holy spirit. When you speak about god, it's this overwhelming energy that is not of this world that just entrances your body. Your words flow easily and your heart speaks cries out in praise. You talk to people, and you know of what you speak. Tonight I talked to a friend of mine, who is catholic. She was telling me about how much she hates going to church, how she feels its mundane and that there isn't any connection with god in the worship. I told her about my experience and she really seemed interested. I feel bad for people who's faith is cut off by their denomination, or their parents wants. The whole point is to have a relationship with Jesus, and that is what I think I'm going to talk about in small group. How you need to have a relationship with Jesus above all else.


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