Friday, July 18, 2008

give a little, give a alot...

I was reading over some of my old IM's from 8th grade. It is incredible how much more mature I am, even though I feel like the exact same person I was so long ago. I am far more moral, and upstanding. I wouldn't say or do half of the things I would have back then, but still it amazes me how much I've changed. I'm not who I was, as they say. Although I realized when you don't care what you say or who you offend you tend to be a lot more witty and sarcastic. I was both of those things, I've chosen to be neither for so long now, I'm not sure I could ever be them again. I'm kind of glad to be the person I've become. I realized in the last week, that although I'm only 17 I have at least 10 people or more who look up to me for some kind of advice or solace in their lives. It's very strange, but I like to take care of people. I enjoy it. Being a leader isn't something that is easy, but it is something that you are given, can't take for granted or credit for. God gave me this strength, so I owe it, like everything else to him. I just thought I'd talk about that, because its pretty prevalent in my life right now. Things are good. I'm excited.

I'm now 17, just a heads up for future reference, yes I can see R rated movies now.

Heres a video:

1 comment:

Micah Foster said...

HEY...there's that VIDEO! Awesome! glad i could pass on some stuff for you...