Sunday, July 19, 2009

A treaties on being 18

Once again, I find myself in the shadows of doubt and pain. That would be quite sad if it was true; I am actually doing alright haha. I wish the summer was over, because I miss working and doing things every day; but life goes on at its own pace and its not for us to choose. I love you guys thank you for reading, even if you are half a world away. I think that it is time for me to sit down and think about something that really affects me and to write about it. Really write about it this time and not give up just because I dont like where the story is going, but see the action all the way through to the end.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

List for my Birthday dinner.

Little mike

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is it weird...

That God doesn't answer my prayers in words? I know he hears them, and I know he sends me messages and has plans, but he has never actually said anything to me in words. I know he has put ideas in my head and feelings in my heart, but nothing seems as concrete as a voice talking to me. Am I different?


Thursday, July 2, 2009

well well well here we are.

I find myself not feeling completely up to snuff yet again! I am reading the first of the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. It isn't as completely trite as everyone has told me, but it is no where near what I would call amazing liturature. Bella and Edward do not have a romance that I would ever want or could ever hope to find - I am not perfect, A girl I find will never be perfect, our relationship will take work and a whole lot of God but I'm ok with that. Charlie and Sam, Nick and Shenni, and Francis and Margie those are the couples that have problems, but they either work out or don't in the end. Couples that are real, they have problems and they try to work them out. What fun is it to be with someone who is perfect? where is the adventure in that? oh yeah he is a vampire big deal, I don't think that I would want to find love with one of the handful of unhuman undead beings on earth! I want a girl, who loves god, and is confident with herself. I know she is out there, and I am going to look for her. I hope that she is looking for me too. Twilight isn't my love story, and I hope that the people who read it don't count on the fact that their "Edward" is ever going to find them, news is in and the top story is that he doesn't exist. sorry, no rewrites on this one.

well I'm tired, night.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I have grown up overnight; revisited.

Im kinda dumb. I definatly am not moving on and I know nothing when it comes to understanding my own feelings. Am I an idoit; probobly not. Do I act idioticly? yeah kinda. I like her, thats pretty much the main problem or the main reason or the main goal.

"I don't, want you, to love me anymore!" yep, the other side of this song. BOOOOOO! Im tired if you can't tell. Why do I like her? Why do I care? What is wrong with me? answers anyone? anyone? well I guess thats the answer, there isnt any. story of my life. gonna pray, that should help I think. yep.

Goodnight, David.